
Friday, May 28, 2010


usually people used to called her boy/ his girl with sweet name,,

ader yg gne syg & ayg,,

dear & honey,

baby & babe,

papa & mama, (most hated by me!)

darling & dear,,

kan? kan? kan?

but,,ader 1 kapel yg aku jumpe..

die gune onion n darling,,

the boy used to called her girl onion,,,


dengan rase pelik aku pon bertanya,,

" why???"

n mamat tuh jwb,,

"cute isn't it??" sambil tersenyum,,,

aku pon rase cute name tuh,,,

n bile aku sebot onion,,aku akan teringat those sweet couple,,


apa2 panggilan pon x mengape,,asalkan mereka bahagia,,,

walaupon aku n si die x gne nme2 sweet bgtu,,ttp kami ttp bhgie...

dats oll,,, ^^

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