
Friday, June 24, 2011

story of evil women: my boss

once upon a tyme,, there was evil women step into my ofis...
she had a 'bengis' look and face that have no smile..
*ayat kucai kacir..kehkeh*
she is a lawyer that have no sympathy upon her worker..
being in office juz like being in hell..
OMG im live in stress..~~

she wanted her worker follows the rule that she instruct..
*yg aku pk sgt x reasonable*
she said:
1. no handfon
2. no food
3. no talking
in office................................
cannot accept.........
boring kje dlm keadaan sebegini...
if i had chance to kill people someday,
i want to kill her~~!!

*sekarang aku realize yang lawyer mmg suke manipulate keadaan..damn it.

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