
Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Decision

Hellow guys,,
Finally,,,i've made the decision regarding the GOP program..
(GOP??whats dat?? oww..its a holiday program..) hentam jep..
GOP tuh Global outreach program organized by UTM student..
We can travel anywhere outside there and UTM will equip student wif rm1000..
Last year,, aku ader oppurtunity nk pegi Jepon,,but,, instinc aku kuat xnk pegi..
rupe2nye..time tuh la gempe bumi+tsunami kat sane..
alhamdulillah sume kwn aku yg pegi selamat...

but dis time,,i've to decide nk pegi Aussie or Korea...
back then,,setelah menimbang tara,,akhirnye,,
im choosing
im not Korean bcoz,,ader ma besties...
aku akan jeles kalo mereke amek gambar dan aku xder (-_-")

but,,cm kne prepare megi bebyk lak..
kat sne sumber makanan halal kurang..

err...bahasa pon nk kne applied nie..
(mari bykkan menonton drama korea~~!!!))

Meh test sket bahase korea aku:
1. Mari makan: marisayo makansayo???
2.ape khabar:apesayo kahabosayo??

haha...KOREA i'm coming~~

1 comment:

  1. cisss...x jealousnyer rase..
    kirim salam mr.yoochun saya kat sane kalau terjumpa k..have a nice trip..^_^
