
Friday, July 15, 2011

mubie time~~

tercapai gak hasrat nk menonton harry potter 7 part 2 3d..
amek ko..rm34 hengget..
tp best wooooo...
lagipon nie last series of it..
so,,ok la tuh :p

comment about it?
not expected..
agpon aku read the novel many times..
so,, no wonder la aku x tkejut dgn anything happens..
tapi, sempat gak la mengelak bile nagini nk patok aku..
hahaha..walaupon hanya imej 3d,,mau sakit jantong gak..

well done jk rowling..nice novel..
n utk lakonan daniel radcliff, emma watson,,n ron (tak tau name)
pas nie mesti rindu la nk tgk korg 3 org berlakon..
im ur fan woot2..

by da way.. anak harry n jenny sungguh kiut..

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